Sunday, February 17, 2019

a.  My group comprised of three people was tasked with creating an artist and a marketing plan for them that included a music video. We were given a song from an artist and we had to create an entirely new identity for the artist.
b.  We began to research case studies of bands in the same genre. This allowed for us to be able to create a marketing plan based on successful plans in practice. We also did research on the demographic for our genre and distribution methods. This allowed us to effectively market our artist.
c.  We created a website ( that showcased all of our marketing creations which allowed us to give potential fans a place to find extra information if they pursued it. We also made social media accounts which will promote the artist by drawing attention to him via advertising. We also created a music video that promoted our song and artist. Below is a screenshot of part of our music video we created.
d.  I have learned many things from this project. The first is the group dynamic, communication makes the group members all satisfied with the final product. The second thing I learned was filming tactics to improve on. The main one is the stabilization of the camera. We filmed in very windy conditions so preparing for the filming conditions can definitely be utilized int the portfolio project. Overall, this project has been very effective in preparing me for the portfolio project.

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