My group has decided upon doing horror as our genre for our film opening. I needed to find out what tactics are used in horror films. I found that horror films are scary because of 10 main aspects: fear of death, darkness, crawling things, traditionally scary places, disfigurement, dismemberment, suspense, spooky music, lightning/thunder, and the use of things that are not typically scary and editing them such as a clown or doll.
This base amount of research will help us plan out the set design. Overall, we will be going for a
suspenseful, dimly lit opening. The plot of the film opening hasn't been determined but this research will assist in accomplishing the main goal of a scary movie which is to cleverly invoke fear kn the viewer.
“The Top Ten Things That Make Horror Movies Scary.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201410/the-top-ten-things-make-horror-movies-scary.